Download 3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark
Download 3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark,
3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark is a benchmark application that helps users to measure and compare Android performance.
Download 3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark
3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark, an Android benchmark application that you can download and use completely free of charge on your smartphones and tablets using the Android operating system, is an alternative version of the classic benchmark application offered for mobile devices by 3DMark, which has an unwavering place in benchmark software. With this application designed for smartphones and tablets using the Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system, we can measure the 3D performance of our new generation Android device in detail and compare it with the performance of other devices.
3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark, which can be used on smartphones and tablets supporting OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenGL ES 3.1, plays 3D images with complex graphical calculations on your Android device and records the performance of your Android device during this demonstration. In this test process, where GPU and CPU performance are analyzed in detail, advanced lighting and shadow, particle and post-process effects are examined.
There are 2 different benchmark modes in 3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark. With the OpenGL ES 3.0 mode, you can compare the performance of your Android device with the latest generation iPhone and iPad devices. In OpenGL ES 3.1 mode, you can compare the performance of your Android device with the latest Android flagships such as HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony, Xiaomi.
The fact that 3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark is completely free, does not contain any ads, restrictions or in-app purchases gives the application a plus point.
3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Futuremark Oy
- Latest Update: 23-03-2022
- Download: 1