Download AppDetox
Download AppDetox,
AppDetox is a digital detox application that is extremely simple and easy to use. So, if youre wondering what this digital detox is, I can say to get rid of the applications and spend more time for yourself. If you think you spend too much time with your smartphone or tablet and want to get rid of it, I can say that App Detox provides exactly that.
Download AppDetox
By specifying different conditions for all the applications you want, you can provide both never-to-use and limited-time use. For example, almost everyone checks the very popular Facebook Mobile application at least a few times a day. If you do not want to do this, you can choose the days by saying I want to use it on certain days for the Facebook application in App Detox, on the contrary, you can not use it on the days you choose, you can set a daily application opening limit or you can set a maximum time limit for the use of the application. If I am doing all this, do not think about what the application is doing. Because the application imposes restrictions on you under the conditions you have set, and when you reach the limit, it prevents you from opening Facebook as in our example. You cannot enter the application on your own phone.
With App Detox, which many people are happy to use, you can spend more time for yourself and the people around you by limiting both yourself and the applications.
AppDetox Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Utility
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.60 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: AppDocs
- Latest Update: 07-03-2022
- Download: 1