Download Chrome Beta
Download Chrome Beta,
The Chrome Beta browser for Android is the most intuitive and intuitive to use among web browsers mobile apps. Having a user-friendly interface, Chrome Beta also has new features in terms of privacy options. With the option to enable the Do Not Track feature in its latest version, you can prevent websites from tracking your cookies while using the Chrome Beta application, which increases user privacy.
Download Chrome Beta
When you sign in to your browser with the Chrome Beta application, you can easily access the features for your Google account and synchronize your bookmarks.
Editors Note: Since the Chrome for Android Beta app is an unstable version of the Chrome for Android app, we point out that we are not responsible for any potential issues. For detailed information, visit the Manufacturer page.
Chrome Beta Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 22.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Google
- Latest Update: 21-06-2023
- Download: 1