Download CleanTop
Download CleanTop,
CleanTop application provides performance increase by cleaning unnecessary files that accumulate over time on your Android devices.
Download CleanTop
Files such as applications, cache files and internet history that we install on our smartphones accumulate over time, filling the phones memory and causing a decrease in performance. When you clean these files regularly, you can protect the health of your device and at the same time extend the battery life. The CleanTop application is a cache cleaner application that takes care of these processes for you with one click. Offering functions such as clearing cache files and stopping background processes, the application helps you maintain the health of your smartphones.
Just click on the Clean and Boost buttons in the application, which presents your phones RAM usage and storage space status in detail. In the application, which offers the opportunity to clean application data or system applications separately, you can also select the applications that you do not want to be stopped. You can download CleanTop, a very light and powerful cache cleaner app, for free.
CleanTop Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Youssef Ouadban Tech
- Latest Update: 31-07-2023
- Download: 1