Download CountryTraceRoute
Download CountryTraceRoute,
CountryTraceRoute program is among the free and easy-to-use programs that allow you to follow the route through IP addresses and other information in the easiest way. Especially thanks to the program that can track the routes of packets sent over IP and measure transit delays, you can perform network and internet management much more effectively.
Download CountryTraceRoute
Since the program does not require any installation, it does not leave any traces on the Windows registry, so you can run it on other computers directly from removable disks. The program, which can provide reports on IP addresses, host names, countries, average time and other details, also supports saving these reports in various formats and reviewing them later.
You can immediately enter the IP addresses on the main screen and start operations, but unfortunately it is not possible to determine which ports to use. However, performing a search within the results and using keyboard shortcuts at the same time is quite trouble-free in the program.
Of course, it lacks many of the customizations found in expensive and professional software, but it is one of the quality and straightforward network management applications that can be used for fast and urgent operations.
CountryTraceRoute Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.46 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Nir Sofer
- Latest Update: 06-01-2022
- Download: 391