Download Deep Freeze Standart
Download Deep Freeze Standart,
Deep Freeze is available to its users with its increased security, Windows 7 supported interface and protection and the latest version.
Download Deep Freeze Standart
With Deep Freeze, your information will never be corrupted anymore. 0 will remain as always. From the first day you installed the program or from the moment you started the program actively, whatever is done, the computer takes its initial state after the reset. Because it freezes a clean and trouble-free system; A virus, worm, or accidentally deleted system file cannot harm your computers.
In addition, if you have only one drive and some files you need to store, the program continues the necessary freezing process by opening a virtual drive and not touching that part, which provides you with great convenience. After each reset, the computer will return to the desired state. Even if the system files are deleted, this will not be a problem.
In short, Deep Freeze; The definitive solution to attacks and program corruption. Deep Freeze preserves the computer configuration and restores it easily. Whatever operation the user does, the computer can be reset by simply turning it off and then on. In this way, the maintenance costs are very low and do not stay on the line. An environment free from viruses and harmful programs is obtained.
Deep Freeze is registered with unlimited instances of integrated Windows protection. Deep Freeze provides network administrators with easy desktop operations and minimizes software technical support. Deep Freeze instantly protects the completely vulnerable computer from attack and preserves the initial configuration settings. Whatever changes the user makes on the computer, it is sufficient to restart it to destroy all changes and restore the computer to its original state. The computer environment is now easier to manage and maintain, and expensive computer components can run at zero capacity. The result is a fully shielded and parallel network; an environment completely free from viruses and unwanted programs.
To uninstall the program, first deactivate (passive) Deep Freeze, then run the installation file again and select the uninstall option, the uninstallation process will continue automatically and Deep Freeze will be removed from your computer.
To use the program as a trial version, you must select the following option during installation:
Deep Freeze Standart Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 6.87 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Faronics
- Latest Update: 16-01-2022
- Download: 209