Download DirectChat
Download DirectChat,
DirectChat app gathers all messaging apps on your Android devices in a single platform.
Download DirectChat
The DirectChat application, which I think will be very effective for those who use more than one messaging application, gathers all your messaging applications under one roof, eliminating the hassle of switching between applications. I can say that DirectChat, which supports 17 applications in total along with messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Skype, Viber and Facebook Messenger, offers a very good solution in this regard.
Thanks to the privacy mode, you can read and reply to messages without being online in the DirectChat application, which eliminates the last seen problem. Even if you are using another application, it is also possible to chat on the lock screen in the application, which allows you to continue messaging, just like Facebook Messenger.
Application features:
- Privacy mode.
- Multi-window feature.
- Clean interface.
- Temporarily pause the ChatHead service.
- Chat on lock screen.
Supported messaging apps: WhatsApp, Kik, Hangout, Telegram, Allo, Textra, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Threema, Line, Disa, Plus, Slack, GroupMe, Messenger Lite, Viber and Gmail.
DirectChat Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: unique-gem-visions
- Latest Update: 08-02-2022
- Download: 1