Download Easy Planner
Download Easy Planner,
Easy Planner application allows you to take notes of your various plans on your Android devices.
Download Easy Planner
Easy Planner, where you can take notes such as to-do lists and daily plans for school, work or any other situation, offers functional features especially for students. In the application, where you can add photos to your plans, it is also possible to take new photos.
In the application, which allows you to easily save your plans as only subject and description, you can colorize all your plans to organize them well. The application, which also sends reminder notifications for your to-do list, also supports 18 different languages. Easy Planner, a simple and fast planning application, is offered completely free of charge.
App features
- Create a plan by entering a subject and description.
- Ability to upload a picture or take it with the camera.
- Reminder notifications.
- Support for 18 different languages.
- Ability to color plans.
Easy Planner Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Student Apps
- Latest Update: 22-07-2022
- Download: 1