Download EmlakCep
Download EmlakCep,
With EmlakCep application, you can easily find the real estate you are looking for from your Android devices.
Download EmlakCep
If you are thinking of investing or looking for a real estate that suits your needs, you can stop browsing advertisements with EmlakCep application. In the application, which includes more than 10 thousand real estate consultants and recommends real estate that is online or not yet advertised, all you have to do is share the real estate details you are looking for.
If you are looking for a house for investment purposes or for yourself, you can contact the house that interests you and make an appointment in the application where you can review the alternatives suggested to you by real estate consultants after specifying the features, location and price alternatives of the house you want. EmlakCep application, which you can use completely free of charge, also has a special section for real estate agents. Thanks to this section, you can use very easy and effective customer tracking tools, contact customers wherever you want and give advice.
EmlakCep Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 26 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: EmlakCep
- Latest Update: 03-01-2024
- Download: 1