Download HomeTube
Download HomeTube,
The HomeTube application is among the free applications that you can use to prevent your children using your Android smartphones and tablets from accessing harmful video content, and it should be noted that it offers very nice options with an appropriate interface. Especially if you want to keep your children busy while doing housework or other chores, but if you want to prevent them from accessing video content, it is definitely among the things you should try.
Download HomeTube
The application works on YouTube and allows the content to be limited according to the keywords you specify. However, the full filtering option requires using in-app purchases. If you do not make a purchase and continue for free, you can continue to use the ready-made profiles determined by the application manufacturer.
HomeTube, which we can also use as a launcher application, thus prevents your children from accessing all other applications and allows them to be used only by themselves. However, you should always keep in mind that children experienced with Android are likely to overcome this hurdle.
Since the content presented in the application is taken from YouTube, it is unfortunately not effective if the inappropriate content on YouTube is presented with keywords related to childrens content, but this is a very rare situation and this type of content is removed by the YouTube management in a very short time.
HomeTube Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Chris Lacy
- Latest Update: 22-02-2023
- Download: 1