Download Imgares
Download Imgares,
Imgares is a free photo editing program. This program, which users can download for free, makes basic editing operations very easy.
Download Imgares
One of the biggest problems of todays photos is the transfer time due to high file sizes. Especially when you want to send an e-mail, the loading time of a high-dimensional photo can reach annoying points. This is where Imgares comes into play, allowing users to easily and quickly resize their photo files.
Thanks to its drag and drop support, you can easily transfer photos to the program and complete the sizing process with just a few clicks. In addition to this feature, Imgares offers many different editing options. You can manage your photos as you wish with this editing program, which also has functions such as rotating, adding text and preparing a slide show. Thanks to its multi-processing feature, you can dominate more than one photo at the same time and meet all your needs without having to deal with one by one.
I recommend Imgares, which stands out with its basic editing options and being free, especially to our users who deal with high-dimensional photos.
Imgares Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.20 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: konradp
- Latest Update: 17-01-2022
- Download: 222