Download InstaDaily
Download InstaDaily,
If you want to make changes to your photos on your Android phones and tablets, InstaDaily is one of the photo and picture effecting applications where you can do this. Unlike photo editing applications that are complex and have dozens of options, it is easy to use and has a simple interface, so it is possible to get fun photos as you want.
Download InstaDaily
The effects you can add on your photos are basically listed in 4 different modes and it is possible to develop them further thanks to 50 different themes. Thanks to these basic effects that you can add automatically, you can make your pictures look like magazines, diversify according to the weather, improve the photos taken at the food and restaurant, and add oriental oriental air to make them look more fantastic.
Thanks to the options of adding stickers and determining the level of effects, you can get the most beautiful looking photos in the shortest time. After downloading the free application, it becomes ready for use immediately.
InstaDaily Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Fotoable,Inc.
- Latest Update: 07-06-2023
- Download: 1