Download Kaka USB Security
Download Kaka USB Security,
Kaka USB Security is a USB memory security program that helps users with USB memory encryption.
Download Kaka USB Security
We store many different files in our USB sticks that we use frequently in our daily life. Some of these files are sensitive and special files such as pictures, photos, videos and documents. Since USB sticks are quite small, we can move these sensitive files wherever we want, and our USB sticks are often moved because of this.
More movement means a higher risk of loss and theft for these memories. When our memories are stolen, the sensitive data inside is also at risk of unauthorized access. For this reason, it is necessary to use a special security software for our USB sticks containing such personal information.
Kaka USB Security gives us the opportunity to prevent unauthorized access to the data in it by providing encryption protection on our USB sticks. With Kaka USB Security, it is quite easy to protect our USB sticks. In order to encrypt your USB memory with Kaka USB Security, you must connect your USB memory to your computer while installing the program. The program installs itself on the USB memory and when you run it, it asks you to create a password for your USB memory. After creating the password, no matter which computer you insert the memory into, it is not possible to access the data in it without entering the password.
The nice thing about the program is that you dont have to reinstall the program over and over on every computer you connect, as it installs itself on a USB memory stick.
Kaka USB Security Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.29 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Kakasoft
- Latest Update: 24-03-2022
- Download: 1