Download KidLogger
Download KidLogger,
Unfortunately, when our children start not using computers, the free world of the internet also allows them to access harmful content. There are many different types of harmful content that can be found on the Internet, from encouraging the use of addictive substances to inappropriate and brutal images. However, limiting the use of the internet directly to prevent this would also be against this free nature of the internet.
Download KidLogger
Thanks to the Kidlogger program, which is prepared to do this job in a smoother way, you can monitor what your child is doing on their computer without prohibiting or limiting where they go. The program, which monitors all the movements on the computer and reports them to you, allows you to see immediately if harmful content is visited.
The program, which has more than one category, allows you to follow different types of follow-ups, and since it offers it free of charge, it is possible for everyone to use it easily. I can say that the interface is easy even for inexperienced users, which makes it preferable.
Among the different tools the program offers are:
- Word tracking.
- Skype video recording.
- Sending screenshots.
- Getting a log.
- Audio analysis and tracking.
You can have the obtained information sent to your e-mail accounts, so you can always be aware of your childs computer use. Since it is open source, there are no hidden or harmful aspects of the program.
KidLogger Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.60 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Kidlogger
- Latest Update: 24-03-2022
- Download: 1