Download Koker Belgeindir
Download Koker Belgeindir,
Koker BelGetir is a document search program. It searches for documents, e-books and presentations on the topic you want on numerous servers. It allows you to view the documents you find and download them easily.
Download Koker Belgeindir
With BelGetir, an easy-to-use and simple program, you can easily access the documents you want.
To use the program, you must first type the words you want to search for. After entering the words, you can start the search by pressing the "BelGetir!" button. The program will find and list the documents shortly after the search starts. You can view the documents on this list by double-clicking or download the documents you want by selecting them.
BelGetir, which is among the programs that will be very useful, is small in size and uses very little system resources. If you want to access documents on the internet easily by entering keywords, you can download BelGetir for free.
Koker Belgeindir Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.37 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Muhammed Ali Köker
- Latest Update: 30-03-2022
- Download: 1