Download LEO Privacy Guard
Download LEO Privacy Guard,
LEO Privacy Guard, an antivirus application for your Android device, is one of the most downloaded applications and there are important reasons why it has earned this title. Thanks to this application, which creates security not only in the virtual environment, but also in the physical space, no one will be able to tamper with your personal accounts and those registered on your phone when you are not at your phone. You can protect your applications with a single click.
Download LEO Privacy Guard
This application, which allows you to keep your personal data private, also unexpectedly has an application manager. With this manager, applications that take up unnecessary space and consume too much memory can be backed up and removed on the phone. This application, which has a deep-rooted history, manages to keep its interface fresh with updates that know how to keep up with the times.
If you are a user who is sensitive about the security of your Android phone or tablet, the free LEO Privacy Guard, which is one of the applications with the highest download numbers in its field, will surely fulfill your wishes.
LEO Privacy Guard Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 3.50 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Leomaster
- Latest Update: 26-01-2022
- Download: 173