Download Luna Launcher
Download Luna Launcher,
Luna Launcher is among the best launcher apps you can choose for your child using an Android phone. Everything your child can see, from which apps to use for how long, is under your control in this free launcher app.
Download Luna Launcher
Luna Launcher is the first Android launcher application that offers a parental control tool and can be used by both parents and children.
You can prepare the interface completely as your child should see in the launcher application, which was developed based on the fact that the age of starting to use the smartphone is quite young and spending too much time on the phone. You can also determine the applications that it can use and even what they can do in the applications. You can also specify the time it will spend in applications during the day, so let me state that the device automatically switches to lock mode at the end of the specified time.
Luna Launcher, which allows easy switching between parent and child mode, also has a built-in YouTube player, weather widget.
Luna Launcher Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Hoot Apps
- Latest Update: 10-08-2023
- Download: 1