Download Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN
Download Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN,
RegAssassin, developed by Malwarebytes, which has signed many security programs, is designed to delete malicious registry keys on your computers.
Download Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN
The program is really light and useful. It is necessary to be an advanced computer user to use the program, which comes with a very small file size and user-friendly interface. Because with the program, you are likely to delete an important registry key that should not be deleted.
For this reason, no matter how advanced you are, you need to use the program very carefully. To use the program, all you have to do is enter the registration key you want to delete in the bar and press the delete key.
It takes less than 10 seconds to download and use the program. If you are an advanced user and need a simple registry key operation terminator, you can try this program.
Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.06 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Malwarebytes
- Latest Update: 16-01-2022
- Download: 210