Download MatrixLocker
Download MatrixLocker,
The MatrixLocker program is a free application that you can use to protect the data on your computer. Thanks to its folder locking and hiding feature, you can prevent unauthorized users from entering the information you have.
Download MatrixLocker
Thanks to the locking features of the program, it becomes very difficult to enter the folders you specify and your files are encrypted or hidden according to your request. If you lock the folders using one of the different algorithms in it, your files will now be completely safe.
Unless you then unlock the folder using the program, no one, including you, will be able to access the designated files. In addition, thanks to the disappearance of the files, even an unauthorized user who does not know where to look for which file will be very difficult to find the file.
It is one of the programs that I strongly recommend to use, especially on the discs where you store your personal data or important information such as credit card information. I can say that it is a program that appeals to all users because it is both free and has an understandable and easy-to-use structure.
MatrixLocker Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Tamindir
- Latest Update: 24-03-2022
- Download: 1