Download miZX FLUX
Download miZX FLUX,
The application, which can be used on Android 2.0 and above platforms, only allows the photo you want to be processed on Adidas shoes. You send your photo works, a landscape or a pattern you have taken, by adding your shoe size and type, via the application. Then, the production of shoes that are cut accordingly is started. MiZX FLUX, which is a very enjoyable application for creative designers, can also be shared on social networks after it is designed.
Download miZX FLUX
The application also checks whether the photos requested to be processed on the shoes are copyrighted and prevents any copyright problems. The application, which is currently only available in the United States, was met with interest by Adidas lovers.
Designers also receive a share from the income of designs sold through social networks or e-commerce stores. The designs retail for $110 in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and Spain.
miZX FLUX Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Adidas
- Latest Update: 26-08-2023
- Download: 1