Download MP3Tube
Download MP3Tube,
MP3Tube is one of the free applications that you must have on your Android phones and tablets if you use YouTube not for watching videos but for listening to songs.
Download MP3Tube
The application, which plays all the videos you will open on YouTube only as Mp3, and thus provides less data consumption, works much more comfortably with 3G and WiFi. In addition, the playback quality may vary depending on the speed of the internet connection you have. If you have a very slow connection, you may experience hangups while playing songs. However, there is no problem with the standard connection speed.
If you want to be able to use YouTube as a music service, this simple yet useful app is for you.
MP3Tube Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.00 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: wsoftvn
- Latest Update: 03-12-2022
- Download: 1