Download Outlaw Cards
Aykırı Kartlar
Download Outlaw Cards,
Outlaw Cards is a card game that can be played on Android phones and tablets.
The card game, made by the Turkish game development studio Aykırı Kartlar, which uses the same name as the game, comes to offer a completely different experience. It is a card game that comes as a rival to multi-person based games such as Batak, Poker, Okey and puts fun on its basis. Your main goal in Outlier Cards is to try to give the funniest and most liked answer by other players. For this, you need to choose one of the cards in your hand instead of the unlimited right to answer.
How to Play Outlier Cards
- Each turn, the black question card is shown to all players. For example: He meets Pepee in the next episode.
- Each player fills in the blank on the question card by clicking on what he thinks is the funniest of the white answer cards in his hand (for example, Barbers stick). All players have 20 seconds for this action. At the end of the time, the last clicked card is taken as the answer.
- When the answering round is over, each player chooses what he thinks is the funniest from the answers of the other players, and the chosen one gets 1 point.
- The player with the most points at the end of 10 rounds wins the game.
- 5 gold is required to enter the game. If you run out of gold, you can earn 10 gold by watching a short video in the market.
Outlaw Cards Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Game
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Aykırı Kartlar
- Latest Update: 30-12-2022
- Download: 1