Download PC Shower
Download PC Shower,
PC Shower is a system optimization and computer acceleration program that helps users improve the performance of their computers that slow down over time.
Download PC Shower
After installing our operating system on our computer, we install many additional software and programs. These programs also bring many additional files with them. Even if we uninstall the programs, the garbage files, registry entries and similar items created by these programs may not be removed from our computer. These files accumulate after a while, bloating our hard disk and increasing our computers startup, shutdown, and reaction time. Therefore, there is a need for regular maintenance of our computer. PC Shower is a software that offers many useful tools that can help us with this.
With the disk cleaning feature of PC Shower, it detects the garbage files accumulated on our hard disk and increases the free space on the hard disk by deleting these files. When this unnecessary file deletion is done regularly, it also ensures that our disk has higher data access speed. The program also has a registry cleaning feature that can be used similarly.
The program also comes with useful tools that will ensure our personal information security. PC Shower with file encryption tool allows us to set passwords and restrict access to our files. Another personal information security tool of the program is the permanent file deletion tool. Thanks to this tool, we can delete the files stored on our computer in a way that cannot be recycled with file recovery software.
PC Shower Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 10.09 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Arafasoft
- Latest Update: 11-04-2022
- Download: 1