Download ScreenRes
Download ScreenRes,
Unfortunately, one of the most challenging problems we encounter while using our computer is accidentally changing the screen resolution and therefore all the icons are out of order and rearranging them. This situation, which often happens to those who deal with old programs, can also occur as a result of updating the video card driver, accidentally deleting it or changing the video card.
Download ScreenRes
Therefore, since Windows does not have its own desktop state saving tool, it is necessary to rearrange the messy desktop every time the screen resolution changes. ScreenRes is one of the programs designed to prevent this, and it helps you get your desktop layout and screen resolution back in the easiest way.
When using the program, you directly save the desktop state you currently have, so that when you use it again later, you can return to this saved desktop. Thanks to the application that can work both manually and automatically, you can automatically return to the original resolution when the computer is restarted, or you can do this whenever you want.
I can recommend the program, which is very easy to use and consumes almost no system resources, to those who often lose the arrangement of their icons on the desktop.
ScreenRes Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.27 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: B. Vormbaum EDV
- Latest Update: 15-01-2022
- Download: 124