Download Song Mode
Download Song Mode,
Song Mode is the best music listening and downloading app Ive come across on mobile platform, not just Android. The music application, which welcomes us with its start screen, which is completely in Turkish, simplified as much as possible and gathers different types of music, is a great choice for those who cannot break away from the mp3 format. You can find Turkish and foreign mixed hits.
Download Song Mode
If you find online music listening platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music to be too expensive, and if you miss the Winamp era when music was played in mp3 format, I recommend the Song Mode application, which allows you to listen and download the most listened songs around the world, both domestic and foreign, for free.
The home page of the mp3 download application, which you can download for free and use directly on your Android phone, consists of the songs of the artists whose video clips are watched the most in Turkey. Apart from Top List, there are foreign mixed, pop and songs specially prepared by Song Mode. You can also create your own playlists if you wish. The search function has also been considered so that you can find your favorite artist and song more easily. With the auto-complete feature, you dont have to type the full name of the singer or song. When you add the song you selected to your playlist, it is downloaded to your device. Then you can enjoy listening to music without internet.
The Song Mode application, which has background play, playlist creation, random play, forward - rewind, auto-play features, offers an interface supported by advertisements like all other free music listening and downloading applications, but no ads are inserted while listening to music.
Song Mode Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Song Mode
- Latest Update: 25-03-2023
- Download: 1