Download Songkick Concerts
Download Songkick Concerts,
Songkick Concerts is a successful Android application that can be used by frequent concertgoers and music lovers. The application, which is also available in the iOS version, allows you to follow the concert calendars of your favorite singers and bands. Apart from that, you can get all the information about the concerts that will take place in the city you live in.
Download Songkick Concerts
If you like to socialize, but if you cant follow the concerts while working at a busy pace, this application is for you. You can create a personal calendar agenda on the application, so you will not miss any of your favorite concerts.
The best part of the application is that it scans your Google Music account and Last.fm account, identifying your favorite singers and showing you concert searches accordingly. Scanning your music library, the app identifies your favorite singers and bands without bothering you.
Songkick Concerts newcomer features;
- Identify your favorite artists on Facebook, Pandora and Last.fm and show concert results accordingly.
- Alert with notification when new concerts are added.
- Creating a personal calendar of concerts by your favorite singers and bands.
- Necessary information for all concerts (map, tickets etc.).
- View concerts in your city or around the world.
- being able to keep the plans of the concerts you will go to.
As I said at the beginning of the description, if you are someone who does not like to miss concerts, you can try Songkick Concerts by downloading it to your Android phones and tablets for free.
Songkick Concerts Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 4.40 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Songkick
- Latest Update: 31-03-2023
- Download: 1