Download Takasbank TEFAS
Download Takasbank TEFAS,
Takasbank TEFAS is a finance application with fund comparison, fund detailed analysis, comparative yield analysis features, where you can access information about all funds from a single place.
Download Takasbank TEFAS
With the mobile application of TEFAS, the electronic fund platform that allows you to compare all funds on a single system and access all funds in the market with a single investment account, you can easily access daily, monthly and annual fund information, and perform yield analysis on funds.
Fund type from the Fund Comparison menu (precious metals umbrella fund, fund basket umbrella fund, participation umbrella fund, debt instruments umbrella fund, money market umbrella fund, variable umbrella fund, stock umbrella fund, mixed umbrella fund, gold fund, government contribution fund, stock fund, mixed fund, money market fund, etc.) fund group, by choosing the founder; You can compare revenue, management fee and size. From the Fund Detailed Analysis menu, you can access the information of the relevant fund (title, final price, daily return, fund total value, category, number of investors, market share, etc.), fund returns (monthly and annual), fund profile and asset distribution graphically. You can access the comparison of the fund you selected from the Comparative Income Analysis menu with other funds on a yearly, monthly basis on a graphic basis.
Takasbank TEFAS Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 2.40 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Takasbank - İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası A.Ş.
- Latest Update: 12-07-2023
- Download: 1