Download TKGM Parsel Sorgulama
Download TKGM Parsel Sorgulama,
TKGM Parsel Sorgulama can be done via e-Government as well as TKGM Parsel Sorgulama application. Parsel Sorgulama app can be downloaded as APK or from Google Play. You can download the official qualified application to your Android phone by tapping the TKGM Parsel Sorgulama Download button above. Alternatively, TKGM Parsel Sorgulama APK download link is also given.
TKGM Parsel Sorgulama, application offered free of charge by the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre. You do not need to create a membership to use the application, where you can easily access information about the land you want by entering your criteria on your Android phone and tablet.
Download TKGM Parsel Sorgulama (APK)
The only official mobile application where you can inquire about Parsels in Turkey, General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre Parsel Sorgulama. In the application, which you can download for free and use directly, you can query all the information you wonder about the Parsel such as province, district, island information, surface area information, layout information, coordinate information, etc. you can receive. Extremely practical to use.
Of course, an active internet connection is required in order to use the mobile application, which offers the convenience of making Parsel map inquiries without visiting the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre.
With the TKGM (General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre) Parsel Query application, you can query the Parsels in Turkey according to different criteria. You have the opportunity to Sorgulama based on address, Sorgulama by coordinates, Sorgulama by marking on the map, or Sorgulama within the hierarchy of province, district, neighborhood, island, Parsel. You can also get detailed information about the Parsels found. Province, district, neighborhood, island, Parsel information, area information, map information, position information, attribute information, geographical information coordinate information of attribute information are displayed. You can view the coordinates and information of the Parsels found directly on the application in pdf, kml, geo json format and download them to your device. In addition, you can easily find the location of the Parsels through map applications such as Google Maps, Yandex.Maps, Bing Map.
Lets also share the information made by the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (TKGM):
- The studies and controls of the Spatial Real Estate System (MEGSIS) and the land registry and cadastre information are carried out by TKGM.
- With the TKGM Parsel Sorgulama application, basic information about the cadastral information whose harmonization with the land registry data has been completed within the scope of MEGSİS is presented.
- In case of inconsistency between the displayed records and the information you have, contact the relevant land registry and/or cadastre directorate.
- The location information of the real estate is presented with approximate coordinates for testing purposes.
- The information presented in this application cannot be used for official and commercial purposes!.
TKGM Parsel Sorgulama Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Utility
- Language: English
- File Size: 4.70 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Tapu ve Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü
- Latest Update: 05-03-2022
- Download: 1