Download TorrentRover
Download TorrentRover,
TorrentRover is a free program that saves you the trouble of searching for secure torrent files and allows downloading from popular torrent sites. The program, which brings together content from popular sources such as KickAssTorrents, ThePirateBay, IsoHunt, ExtraTorrent, is one of the best among torrent programs.
Download TorrentRover
As you know, torrent sites used to download movies and TV series and games do not offer completely safe content. Whichever you choose, no matter how popular it is, the torrent files you download are highly likely to be malicious, and pop-ups are a bonus when downloading torrents. TorrentRover appears at this point. It allows us to access completely safe content by eliminating the pests in the torrent world.
The only good thing about TorrentRover isnt that it offers selective content from popular torrent sites. With detailed search and filtering options, you can reach exactly what you want among millions of torrents and download them directly without encountering any surprises. If the file you downloaded is a movie, you can get information about the movie by clicking the IMDB link or from the Wikipedia page, and you can watch the trailer on YouTube.
Another feature of the program that I like is that it concerns the audience of the series. Instead of searching and downloading when the new episode of the series you constantly follow is broadcast, you can give the program an automatic download command and have it downloaded directly when the new episode is published.
TorrentRover Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 8.90 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: TorrentRover
- Latest Update: 22-07-2021
- Download: 2,699