Download Unchecky
Download Unchecky,
As I constantly install, try and test different programs on my computer, I know that many developers put offers for third-party applications within their program installations to generate revenue. I am sure many of our users have faced such a situation and they are not very happy with it. As a result, no one wants an extra software or application to be installed on their computer against their will.
Download Unchecky
At this point, if you do not want third-party software to be installed on your computer, you should pay attention to the offers you come across during program installations or leave the job to Unchecky, a program that will take care of these offers for you.
Unchecky, which will run in the background after installation, will detect third-party software installation offers that will come up during the installation of any program and protect you against them.
In fact, the application, which works with a very simple logic, removes the ticks of third-party software offers offered to users during program installation and allows users to choose when necessary. Also, if you accidentally tick something you shouldnt, the program automatically warns you and asks you if you want to continue.
If you are tired of third-party application installation offers that bring many problems such as changing the browser home page, changing the search engine, installing unwanted software on your computer, I definitely recommend you to try Unchecky.
Unchecky Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 1.14 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: RaMMicHaeL
- Latest Update: 16-01-2022
- Download: 221