Download Unifoni
Download Unifoni,
Unifoni is a mobile dating application developed for university students.
Download Unifoni
Unifoni, an application that you can download and use for free on your smartphones and tablets using the Android operating system, allows you to create a user profile for yourself and interact with other Unifoni users. This platform, which only university students can participate in, naturally allows its users to socialize only with university students, and in this respect it differs from social media platforms such as Facebook.
You can make status notifications within the Unifoni and you can leave comments on the status notifications of other users. You can find friends from your own university through Unifoni, or you can make friends with students from other universities studying the same department as you. The application also has a very rich content. You can participate in competitions within the Unifoni, shop in the marketplace, participate in surveys, follow the news, watch videos, browse event announcements and listen to live radio broadcasts.
If youre just starting college and want to build a circle of friends, you might like Unifoni.
Unifoni Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Ünifoni Inc.
- Latest Update: 05-02-2023
- Download: 1